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So-called "right to work" legislation meant to attack private sector union workers is being fast-tracked through the Wisconsin Legislature this week. Our sisters and brothers in the private sector stood shoulder to shoulder with us when Scott Walker attacked us in 2011; now it's our turn to show that we remain united. Here are five things you can do to take action:


Volunteers from AFT-Maryland affiliate agencies conducted a concentrated effort to get out the vote for Maryland’s primary elections Tuesday, June 24. Affiliate agency members walked through neighborhoods, distributed literature on pertinent legislative issues, and were present at polling places, encouraging Maryland residents to exercise their right to vote.

The AFT-Maryland “get-out-the-vote” activities were a coordinated effort conducted in cooperation with the Maryland/District of Columbia AFL-CIO.

AFT-Maryland’s affiliate agency members include AFT Healthcare-Maryland, the Baltimore


We work in the public sector because we care. We care about our community. We care about our neighbors, our families, and - we care about each other. And speaking with one voice is always more powerful than speaking alone. We organize as a union because we can then gain the strength to make real change. Together, we speak with one voice that no one can shake  —  and we'll be louder than our bosses, our elected officials, and those anti-government folks.