We work in the public sector because we care. We care about our community. We care about our neighbors, our families, and - we care about each other. And speaking with one voice is always more powerful than speaking alone. We organize as a union because we can then gain the strength to make real change. Together, we speak with one voice that no one for change — and we'll be louder than our bosses, our elected officials, and those anti-government folks.
Some politicians and pundits like to blame public service workers for Wisconsin's problems. They claim we earn too much, have too many benefits, and we have too much political power. Cutting budgets and attaching our pensions have become a way of during business in Madison. And they give our jobs away to private contractors who pay lower wages but have less accountability to the taxpayers of Wisconsin.
But public service workers are the backbone of the Wisconsin's (and nation's) middle class. It's only together that we can effectively fight for success and opportunities for all working families.
We are the union. And we need you to join us - to stop the attack on the middle class.
Help us stop the attack on Wisconsin's families.
Join us: Click Here